Monday, February 27, 2006

Boycott: Sturgis

Update: (11:00a) Email address for Gov. Rounds:

(10:15a) I just learned that Gov. Rounds is up for re-election this year...

From the Sioux Falls
Argus Leader:

Republican Sen. Tom Dempster of Sioux Falls said, "This bill ends up being cold, indifferent and as hostile as any great prairie blizzard that this state has ever seen.''

Republican Sen. Stan Adelstein of Rapid City had tried to amend the bill to include an exception for abortions for victims of rape. The amendment lost 14-21.

“To require a woman who has been savaged to carry the brutal attack result is a continued savagery unworthy of South Dakota,” he said.


House Bill 1215 seeks to make abortion a felony but wouldn't allow charges to be filed against a doctor who performed the procedure during an attempt to save the life of a pregnant woman. (emphasis mine)

This isn’t just a women’s issue. In the end, this is about the rights of each individual to make medical decisions without government interference. Whether it is about abortion or choosing to end life support, the decision is best left to those directly affected.

But, knowing politicians - the almighty dollar speaks louder than any logical argument. So, be sure to point out that, should this boycott succeed, Sturgis will see a 10-15% drop in attendence. A loss of 50,000 attendees and the potential loss of $35 million dollars just might make them sit up and pay attention.

You can contact the SD legislators by email
here. It’s an awkward system, and takes time to get through the list. (Sorry!) Be sure to refer to House Bill 1215 when calling or emailing.

Be polite and courteous. Kill them with kindness, as my mother always says.

I’ll be working to find direct email addresses, so we can send bulk mailings (that BCC feature is very handy!) I’ll also be trying to find phone numbers.

Also, contact Governor Mike Rounds.
Send an email: Go to and click the link.
Phone: (605) 773-3212
Send a postcard: Office of the Governor, 500 E. Capitol Ave, Pierre SD 57501

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