Sunday, March 05, 2006

Branding Republicans

Blogger Our Karl Rove has a list of easy one-line tags to slap on the Republicans.

(...) But, as Republicans have learned through experience, it's easier to re-brand your foe than yourself in politics. And, what better time to start some baseline Republican re-branding just before the races heat up for the 2006 congressional elections? (...)
  • Republicans -- they spend our savings and tax your children
  • Republicans -- they'll bug your phone and track your web searches... feel safe now?
  • Republicans -- if they're so good at war, why are our troops dying every week?
  • Republicans -- bringing America down, one blunder at a time
  • Republicans -- they're sure they're right, even when they're dead wrong
  • Republicans -- my tax cut was nice, but it's all going to heat my home and fill up my car
  • Republicans -- sponsored in part by Abramoff, the corrupt lobbyist
  • Republicans -- absolute power corrupts absolutely
  • Republicans -- the party of self destruction in search of weapons of mass destruction (...)

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